This is the step during which the work is reviewed and decisions are made about how to accomplish all the work that needs to be completed. The outcome of this step is a clear definition of how work will be accomplished most efficiently (in terms of timing and cost) and effectively (in terms of quality, quantity, and customer satisfaction).
A position description is the formal document that describes a job. Position descriptions should be updated as often as key responsibilities change, and reviewed no less than every five years. This section includes guidance on using the People Admin position management process.
Selection committee members should be as diverse as possible in order to represent a variety of perspectives regarding a particular position incumbent or requirements. The committee may be comprised of supervisors, peers, clients/customers, or other key stakeholders. It is important that each member of the committee be a willing and committed participant.
Quality recruiting results in a quality applicant pool. The purpose of any recruiting effort is to cast a wide net in places where there are likely to be high-quality applicants. This area includes specific information on filling out the Posting Request form within PageUp.
The quantitative criteria are those items which enable a clear go/no-go decision based on each candidate’s application materials and other submitted documents (e.g., does this person have the appropriate degree?).
Phone, video, or other pre-interview options (e.g., reference letters, additional criteria, job or work samples, etc.) can help you manage your recruiting costs, and also be very effective in differentiating among your remaining candidates. It is at this stage that you can begin to assess some of the qualitative criteria (oral communication, sense of humor, clarity of thought and reasoning, etc.) that were not able to be determined in Step 5
The search chair or committee should identify a reasonable set of activities for the campus visit (who to meet with, room scheduling, presentation times announced, etc.) and ensure that all interested parties are aware of the arrangements. Please ensure that all campus employees (and any others) who will participate in the campus visit process are aware of the interview guidance included in this section.
If there is agreement over an applicant chosen for hire, you will need to clearly identify the rationale for the choice, and ensure that all proper approvals and final details (including reference or background checks) are completed.
The candidate may expect to negotiation on any number of items: starting salary, starting date, years of credit, vacation time, relocation costs , pre-scheduled time off, etc. In order to prepare for a successful offer (and acceptance), do your homework on what you can be flexible with.
Documentation and record-keeping are critical parts of each step of the search process.
It is a good idea to assign one person to be the contact person with the new hire. If the contact person is someone other than the person who made the offer, someone from the selection committee is a next-best option